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10 Healthy & Easy Summer Snacks

Enjoy these guilt-free easy snacks to cool you down and power you through active summer days!

Walnuts and Berries

For a delicious way to enjoy in-season raspberries, blueberries, or blackberries, mix a cup of berries with walnut halves. You’ll get a whopping 7 grams of fiber, while walnuts offer a host of phytonutrients. The combination of slimming fiber with the plant-based omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts will give you sustained energy.


Cocktail Shrimp

One medium shrimp has just 7 calories, so you can have a dozen without going over 100 calories. They’re also high in protein, vitamin B12, and the antioxidant selenium. Keep some deveined and cooked shrimp in the freezer and then thaw in a cold-water bath in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes and enjoy!


Summer Melon Soup

A fun way to enjoy a bowl of fruit is as a soup! Whip up a bowl of chilled fruit “soup” by mixing 1 cup of cantaloupe melon with ¼ of an avocado and some chopped mint in a blender. This light, refreshing snack will cool you down and max out your recommended daily dose of vitamin A. Top with some whole chunks of cantaloupe or watermelon to add dimension and flavor.


Quinoa Salad

Have some leftover quinoa in the fridge? Make a quick quinoa salad by tossing ½ cup of quinoa with some chopped parsley, lemon juice, and other veggies laying around like sweet peppers, cucumber, or tomato. Quinoa, which is actually a seed that acts like a grain, is relatively high in protein.


Chilled Mango Salad

Sprinkle mango, mint, and avocado with coarse sea salt, a pinch of cayenne pepper, and lime juice. One cup of sliced mangos packs a serious nutritional punch: You’ll get 3 grams of filling fiber, 77% of your recommended daily dose of vitamin A, and 100% of your recommended daily dose of vitamin C. Vitamin C is important for a healthy immune system and healthy skin, while vitamin A also supports and promotes a healthy immune system, healthy skin, and eyes.


Dark Chocolate Chips

If you’re craving something sweet, treat yourself to a small amount of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has been shown to improve cholesterol profiles, help lower blood pressure, and support brain health. It also contains antioxidants and monounsaturated fatty acids, which may help speed up metabolism.


Cucumbers & Olive Tapenade

Craving something savory? Quarter a cucumber, slice it into bite-size pieces, and top with a small amount of olive tapenade. Cucumbers are refreshing and low calorie, while olive tapenade has plenty of healthy monounsaturated fats. More good news for swimsuit season: Cucumbers have extremely high water content, which helps prevent bloating.


Avocado Crackers

Think of this as a bite-sized version of avocado toast: Top a few whole grain crackers with mashed avocado for a quick-and-easy low calorie snack. Avocados are high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and an excellent source of potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and balance sodium in the body.


Frozen Grapes

Keep a bag of purple grapes in your freezer to have a healthy, refreshing treat on hand for hot summer days. In addition to being low-calorie, frozen grapes provide copper, vitamin K, and antioxidants. It’s a great snack for kids and teething toddlers, just be sure to cut them in small enough pieces before freezing as whole grapes can be a choking hazard.


Homemade Popsicles

While there are some nutritious store-bought varieties out there, making your own homemade fruit popsicles lets you control how much sugar you’re adding. These delicious fruit pops, made with 5 ingredients or less, are a treat for the whole family. This treat also allow you to take advantage of low prices by buying fruit in bulk and not worrying about eating it before it goes bad – just freeze it as a popsicle!

*Recipes and ideas gathered from: &

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