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A Healthy and Pain-Free 2017!

Southside Physical Therapy, Inc.

Southside Physical Therapy, Bend, OR, North Fork Trail

Wow! We blinked and January flew by! Some of us have barely had time to get used to writing 2017 as the date, let alone get into a routine with our New Years Resolutions. If you have yet to start your resolution, or want to re-start your resolution, it’s never too late! Many of us made promises to ourselves to get healthier; whether that means being more active, getting more sleep, eating better, drinking more water, losing some extra weight or just making time to do things that make you happy!

Changing up your routine can be challenging, especially if you’ve set big goals for yourself. It can be beneficial to break down some of your larger ambitions into smaller more manageable goals so you set yourself up for success. For example: finding the extra time or energy to make it to the gym every day can be much harder than it sounds. However, if you aim to incorporate 30 minutes of activity into every day – whether that’s at the gym or divided into three 10-minute walking breaks at work – you’ll be on your way to a healthier you in no time!

Along with the newfound motivation the birth of a new year brings, it’s also the time of year when the body is least prepared for unsupervised, sudden exercise, which can cause new injuries or have old injuries rearing their ugly heads. As part of our resolution, the team at Southside Physical Therapy is here to help you live a healthy and pain-free life!

Here are a few tips to help you stay injury-free in the New Year:

Consult a physical therapist to evaluate and, if necessary, improve your strength, flexibility and function. That old injury you’ve been compensating for doesn’t have to be something you live with. Our physical therapists work to identify and treat the root cause of the problem to find long- term solutions rather than only treating the side effects for short-term relief.

Learn the right techniques to lift heavy objects, including heavy backpacks, handbags, or, in particular this winter, snow shovels! Many people favor an area or side of the body without even realizing it. Your computer bag may seem light and harmless, but if the weight is being carried at the wrong level, it may cause more trouble than you know. Sometimes just a proper adjustment of the straps of your bag can make a difference.

Before you resolve to make healthy habits, make sure they are the correct habits. Your physical therapist will teach you how to perform an exercise with the correct technique, breathing pattern, and range of motion. We will always answer your questions and help you exercise in a safe, progressive manner.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us to ask for help with finding a routine that works for you. From all of us here at Southside Physical Therapy: we wish you a very happy new year and hope you have a safe, pain-free, and injury-free 2017!


Phone:  (541) 388-2681            121 NW Greenwood Ave., Suite #101, Bend, OR 97703, USA            Fax:  (541) 388-9236


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